ask us your questions

Property owners often have questions about how their real estate assets will be managed by STG Rental Management, and related questions about issues relative to the whole management process. The most frequently asked of these questions are addressed below, so that you might find the answer to a popular question without having to go out of your way to contact us. If your question is not listed below, feel free to contact us, and we’ll be glad to provide the needed information.

Rental Process and Payments

  • How long will it take to rent?

    Vacancy periods are market-driven and affected by the time of the year, but on average, homes are on the market for 2-4 weeks. Homes rent more slowly around Thanksgiving and New Year, and of course, pricing affects vacancy rates.

  • When are monthly funds distributed?

    Payments to owners are processed between the 7th-10th of the month, and are held by the 3rd party bank for 3-5 business days before they disburse to your banking account.

  • Do you seek approval on rental expenses?

    You will have access to our ALL-IN-ONE maintenance software!  We will notify of an expense over $350. We have an online system that tracks all maintenance requests for the property, which enables us to have better communication with you and our vendors, so we can quickly resolve any maintenance issues.

  • How do you fill rentals?

    We effectively market your properties through our cutting-edge software with AppFolio and follow up on leads quickly to ensure each home is filled quickly. We have a low vacancy rate which is why you will only see a few listings posted on our website.

  • How is the price of my rental determined?

    We do an online rent comparison with several other sites, to make sure you are receiving the highest dollar possible on your investment.  While also educating why we have chosen the rental price based on our years of expertise.

Property Repair and Maintenance

  • What needs to be done to prepare a property to rent?

    We firmly believe that the property should be "RENT READY".  We make it a point to have the home inspected for any maintenance items that might be necessary, the carpets are professionally cleaned, the yard is maintained clean and attractive, and the entire residence is then ‘detailed’ to a very clean state by a professional cleaning crew that understands the type of cleaning that is expected.  You can expect the cost to get your home ready to be around the amount of the first months rent depending on the condition when we receive it.

  • How are repairs handled?

    Residents are required to submit all repairs through property meld. We notify owners of requests that are submitted so they are aware of an issue that is going on with their home. We take care of items that do not exceed $350. If the request falls under a maintenance emergency, it is scheduled immediately and the owner is notified at the first possible opportunity.

  • How often are property inspections completed?

    We have found preventative maintenance is an important aspect to our proactive approach to ensure the condition of your home. During our inspections, we check for damage, lease violations, leaks, clean air filters and water softener maintenance (when applicable), housekeeping issues, smoke detectors working, and any other issues that could present an issue down the road. The photos of the inspection are uploaded to your owner portal.  

  • What items are owners responsible for?

    We do require owners to set up the utilities with a landlord rollover so there will not be a gap in services. It is also important to fill out the information needed with the City of St. George for the business license and the Washington County Assessor’s office. Each owner is required to provide proof of insurance to STG Rental Management as an additional insured on their policy.

Why STG Rental Management?

  • What experience do you have in management of residential homes and apartments?

    We have managed residental properties since 2005. This experience has made us experts in the rental community. Through our partnership, we guide our clients through the highs and lows of rental property ownership by proactively anticipating potential pitfalls.  We are committed to having our clients' best interests every step of the way!  You want to make sure you hire the right partner with your investment!

  • Who can benefit from the services of STG Rental Management?

    Our expert team aids in guiding investors step by step through our property management services for the long haul. We have developed a systematic pathway leveraging YOU towards financial well-being.  

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